Monday, April 20, 2009

Stocks, Bonds, and Black Kids

Yo, its time for us broke grown folks to wake up and smell the money! I was watchin TV on my lunch break today, and the only channel that I could get on the TV at work was PBS. I decided that to escape from the stress of my job, that I would watch whatever I could. I ended up watchin this show called "BizKids". It blew my hair back (the little that I have). The segment that I caught was about young kids who had major experience purchasing stocks and investing!The cool thing was that the kids were all kids of color!! They were talking about the differences between purchasing online vs working with a broker, they were talking about different companies and investment banks. They were giving advice about what stocks to purchase, how to raise capitol to purchase stock, etc... The investment group was called Ujamaa Junior, and the founder appeared to be an African American woman who was a parent to one of the kids in the group. They would have meetings in a backyard, and she quizzed the kids on all sorts of things related to the market. It was awesome. People are always talking about how our children are lost, uneducated, and have no hope, but this group provided some much needed proof that all is not lost!To all of the parents that have groups like this going keep doing what you do, and for all of us grown folks who are broke and clueless, we need to step our game up!lolI think I'm gonna dust off my copy of "Young, Fabulous, and Broke" and get started. Who is with me?lol

Get Money!

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