Friday, April 24, 2009

Can a Sista Get a Fitted Cap and Some Air Yeezys?!!

I am a chick that loves gymshoes(yes gymshoes cuz I'm from the Chi!) and fitted caps.  I happen to have a low hair cut with waves better known as the 360 haircut, and sometimes I like rockin fitteds.  The problem is that I can never find them to fit my small head.  I know that women are a small market to cater to when it comes to gymshoes and fitteds but we are out here!  I spend countless hours trying to find my sizes on the internet, but I still have to order hats that are slightly too big!  I can just forget about gymshoes!  Almost all the gymshoes that I like, that I find super 'fly' are only sold in mens sizes, which brings me to the Air Yeezys!  Now, I love Kanye West and his ego, and I would love a pair of Air Yeezys, but when I first heard about them I had to curb my enthusiasm cuz I knew that he did not make them for women.  Its so sad cuz they would be so fly with some type of "Leaders" fitted to match!Oh well, I guess I just have to keep searchin hopin that one day I will have my way with fitted caps and gymshoes!


Dewwwyyyyyy Skin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Warm weather prompts pretty, dewy, natural looking make-up.  There are so many brands to choose from, its hard to decide which foundation formulas to pick.  I like to collect foundations because I am a product junkie so I will talk about a  If you want a nice water based foundation that feels light on the skin but gives you decent coverage, try Queen Collections liquid formulas.  They glide on, and you can apply them with your fingers to give you a nice and natural finish.  They come in darker shades designed for women of color, and while they have a decent selection, you have to visit drugstores that are in black neighborhoods to find the best selection that they offer.  Another really good formula is La Mer's liquid foundation.  It is heavenly, it can be applied the same way (with the fingers), or with a foundation brush or sponge of your choice. This product also comes in a variety of colors, but they recently discontinued the darker shades.  The good news is that they still sell them at the "Gone but not forgotton" line at 646-602-7800. It is worth the call.  The last foundation that I recently tried and was really pleased with is the Bobbi Brown whipped formula.  I don't think they market it as such, but that is what it is.  It comes in a jar, and it comes in all shades. It blends well with fingers or a sponge, and gives you excellent coverage.  Good luck on getting your dew on!


Monday, April 20, 2009

Stocks, Bonds, and Black Kids

Yo, its time for us broke grown folks to wake up and smell the money! I was watchin TV on my lunch break today, and the only channel that I could get on the TV at work was PBS. I decided that to escape from the stress of my job, that I would watch whatever I could. I ended up watchin this show called "BizKids". It blew my hair back (the little that I have). The segment that I caught was about young kids who had major experience purchasing stocks and investing!The cool thing was that the kids were all kids of color!! They were talking about the differences between purchasing online vs working with a broker, they were talking about different companies and investment banks. They were giving advice about what stocks to purchase, how to raise capitol to purchase stock, etc... The investment group was called Ujamaa Junior, and the founder appeared to be an African American woman who was a parent to one of the kids in the group. They would have meetings in a backyard, and she quizzed the kids on all sorts of things related to the market. It was awesome. People are always talking about how our children are lost, uneducated, and have no hope, but this group provided some much needed proof that all is not lost!To all of the parents that have groups like this going keep doing what you do, and for all of us grown folks who are broke and clueless, we need to step our game up!lolI think I'm gonna dust off my copy of "Young, Fabulous, and Broke" and get started. Who is with me?lol

Get Money!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Summer Clothes and Winter Bodies

Alright, so now it is spring and it is time to put the winter coats away. The only problem is that many of our bodies are not ready to be revealed in the spring and summer. Its easy to eat heavy, creamy, fattening foods in the winter, but its hard to be motivated to work it off. Because of that, and because we like to wear what we want, when we want, and how we want, we need to know tricks that will help us look good while we work off extra pounds. Spanx are a girls best friend. They come in all shapes and sizes, and look great under clothes. Now if you can't afford the spanx, you can always pop in a Marshalls or TJMaxx to find body shapers that will still hold you in the places that you need to be held. Now that we have that in order, if you are going for more "revealing" ensembles, we need self tanner and preparation h cream. The self tanner gives you that nice even bronze goddess glow, think Mary J, Tyra Banks, Beyonce, and JLo. MAC cosmetics normally comes out with a nice spray body bronzer, NARS has a nice body gloss that smells super good, and The Bodyshop has these deodorant like leg shines that come in two shades that make your legs look good. Preparation H is great for CELLULITE!!!!!!!!!!!It temporarily swells the area and gets rid of the dimples. It also makes the area look smooth and even in texture. To sum this all up, ladies get a good body shaper, some body gloss/bronzer, and some Preparation H, and you are good to go!

Holla, and good luck!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hammer Pants!

In the world of fashion, things are recycled.  When you are old enough to see something come back in style, news flash, you/we are old!lol  That dosen't matter, MC Hammer pants are back in style, and I'm gonna get a pair.  They are everywhere, forever twenty one, BCBG, all over the runways for the spring 09 collections.  I saw these bright pink ones from BCBG on sale for like $150 and I am contemplating getting them like everyday.  I am pretty gutsy when it comes to my attire, but I just keep thinking that I'm gonna feel like breaking into the "typewriter" or the "runnin man" when I wear them.  Until I decide, I'ma just keep rockin bright pink lipstick!lol  I know I should just man up and buy them!lol

Stay up!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, and other good stuff for the skin!

So anyone who knows me knows that I am a product junkie!Right now my focus is on skincare.  A couple of months ago I experienced a break out for the first time in like four years so I was trippin big time!  Instead of taking it like a punk, I came out guns ablazin!  Because I used to work at this plastic surgery office, I learned that glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and certain antioxidants help to get rid of breakouts and the scars i.e hyperpigmentations that they leave behind.  The first place that I went was Sephora, now they had some stuff, but I just was not trying to spend the money to get it.  I called a few friends that are also junkies, and one suggested that since I know what ingredients I'm lookin for, that I should go to a drugstore to get what I needed, so to RiteAid I went!  I found this awesome product line called c.booth with all kinds of stuff!  The line had a glycolic acid "skin resurfacing solution", that you use like a toner with 10% glycolic acid, it had a "salicylic acid" spot treatment, and a bunch of other stuff that I eventually ended up buying within a month!lol The stuff is all between $15-$20, and it works great!  Anytime I am on the comeup for some good inexpensive skincare stuff that works, I will let the world know!  Oh yeah I guess for those wondering what this stuff does, I should explain, glycolic acid derived from suger cane is an alpha hydroxy acid that helps to breakdown dead skincells on the surface of the skin and dessolve them.  This is neccessary because dead skin cells hangin out on your skin make it appear dull and lifeless, they also block important stuff from reaching the "good skin".  It can also diminish fine lines and wrinkles.  Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid good for helping to control oil production by absorbing oil that gets deep into pores making them less clogged and thus having a smaller appearance, dissolve/exfoliate dead  skin, and help with dark marks left from former breakouts.  So the bottom line is get some its great!


Belly, Steve Harvey's Book, and Africa

You know, everything truly happens for a reason, it is important for us to recognize that always.  Today which happens to be Easter Sunday, I decided to watch Belly for the second time in my life.  Now, I have been trying to watch this movie for a month now, but my roommate just found it in his room, and I snuck it out to watch it this morning.  The crazy thing is that I also just finished reading Steve Harvey's new book too.  I know that you may be thinking what the hell do Belly, Steve Harvey's new book, and Africa have to do with one another, and it can be summed up in two words, our people.  Belly is a movie that will always be relevant to us in an unfortunate way.  The subject matter that the film deals with is prevelant in our communities just as much today as they were when that film was originally aired.  The end of the film made a connection for me, especially as a woman.  Harvey's book dealt with giving women advice on how to treat themselves, so that they could attract what they wanted from the opposite sex.  He put it in a candid way so that we could all follow what he was trying to say.  It is simply this, treat yourself how you deserve to be treated, and demand that you be treated that way by others. Period! The movie said the same thing, and gave examples of how and where we go wrong throughout.  The character "Sincere" was like Steve, and was the conscience, the one reminding us of what we all seem to know but often times ignore to satisfy needs of the flesh.  All of this has a relationship to the continent of Africa, because we are people from African descent, and with the way that the world is going, it might not be a bad idea for us to really work on strenghthening our relationship with that part of who we are.  We need it, and so do the people on the continent.  We are all not built to do what Sincere and his family did, but we can all make that pilgrimage in some shape or form. I certainly was not trying to get that "deep", but after all this is Easter Sunday, and if we don't get "deep" we will continue to be lost.

Peace and a bottle of hair grease!lol

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I was watchin this show on TVOne earlier today while tryin be beat this cold that I'm getting, and it was an interview with Kathy Hughes and Monique. At first I wasn't going to watch it, but I could not change the channel! Monique has always struck me as a very strong individual that is super confident about her abilities. The interview was inspirational because she talked about the challenges that she faces in the industry because she does not and will not sacrifice her beliefs about herself or others. What I really loved is that she adressed the issue of being fat in a very real way. She mentioned that society treats people who are overweight like they have commited a crime, and like they should be able to do something about their weight. While she stated that she does not condone being unhealthy or obese, she does think that is neccessary for people to accept themselves for who they are and what they look like. After all if you can't accept yourself being fat, you will not be able to accept yourself skinny. I think that this can be said for all other aspects of self. Women in general have so many hangups when it comes to our outer appearance, and we always seem to want what we don't have. When we finally get to a place where we can accept ourselves for who we are, fat, skinny, light, brown, chocolate, short hair, long hair, no hair, short, tall, full lips, small lips, big teeth, crooked teeth, poor, rich, suburban, urban, educated, noneducated, ...etc we will be able to take over the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Your Regular Superhero

I'm an educated young black woman with a lot on her mind. I love fashion, make-up, world affairs, the arts, and most of all, getting on my soapbox and talkin smack! I embrace many lifestyles especially the ones that people are quick to pass judgement on. I have an opinion about everything. I am definetly a know-it-all, but I don' t tend to get on people's nerves. I have created this blog to create a platform for myself and some other superhero's to discuss whatever is on our minds. Enjoy!

Judy Surefire