Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Imitation is the Best Form of Flattery? Really?

I cannot hold this anymore, and I don't think that I should. There is a certain ex-stripper turned celebrity girlfriend that has gotten a ton of attention because of her "unique" look.  In a recent interview outside of a Guess store in NY, she mentioned that she styled herself, and that what the public has always seen, are pictures of clothes that she has picked out for herself.  Now let me break down this gorgeous girl that we all know and love, Amber Rose.

I was inspired to do my blog page, in part because of Kanye West and Amber Rose.  Initially, I read an article in Complex magazine where I gained a ton of inspiration.  What I also gained was a refreshing take on who Kanye thought his ideal mate could be.  In the interview done in Complex mag, when asked who his ideal mate could be, his answer was a "super hero".  I imeadiatly started to try and define and visualize who and how a super hero for Kanye would look.  I imagined her to be a smart, intelligent, gorgeous women, who was well versed in everything!  I imagined her to be a women of integrity, a role model, a fierce fashionista, extremely creative, and someone who had all of that to offer the world to make some sort of positive change.  Then I started to think about women that I know personally that fit that description in some way shape or form.  After that...I learned about, and saw Amber Rose.  

I wasn't surprised, but majorly dissappointed.  I was dissappointed because she was not in anyway shape or form what I invisioned.  Don't get me wrong, the pieces that have been put together to create who we know as Amber Rose are good, but they certainly did not live up to the "super hero" woman that I created in my head.

The master mind behind her "look" deserves kudo's.  Amber is one of America's answers to the question of what "American Beauty" is. We should all know that the answer is an "exotic" ambiguous woman.  Amber fits that discription because while she is a white woman from Philly, her hair has been shaved and bleached so that the natural texture and color is not revealed, her skin has been darkened so that it is difficult to determine her race, and breast and butt enhancements have been added to make her look more "ethnic", "black", "full figured", "curvaceous". 

 Once she was introduced to the media, and especially as Kanye's girl, many black women embraced her.  I know that many of my friends personally took a look at her pictures, shrugged their shoulders, and said "cute black girl".  My mother even asked "Baby, who is the new black girl that Kanye is dating?"  I realized that what the master mind behind Amber Rose had done was make her into a black woman, and that maybe it was done on purpose to have her accepted by the black community.    If many black women think this, then they tend to not have a problem with her dating Kanye, also with the added curves, it makes her more appealing to black men.  I certainly don't think that black women should lash out on the idea of interracial dating, but I don't think it is okay to pass someone on as something that they are not either.  Besides that, I have some questions, that have come up in my mind while all of this "Amber Rose Mania" continues.

What kind of affect does her "look" have on black women? Black Men? Young black girls?
How does it make black women who have worn their hair bald for longer than Amber Rose has been famous feel now?
Is it fair for black women who have worn their hair short to be criticized for duplicating a look that has been worn by black women for centuries?(note many African hairstyles/cultures)
Who really is the person behind Amber Rose's style?  Were they thinking any of these things when her "look" was created?
Has Kanye thought about any of these questions?  Should he?
Does her look, and who she is dating perpetuate any negative stereotypes that exist about interracial dating?
Would other black/white/latino/asian women have a better chance of dating an entertainer if they looked less like what they were and more ambiguous?

In conclusion, when the people/culture that is constantly imitated is not acknowleged or celebrated in a positive way, but always duplicated and commodified, it is not flattery.  For those of us who rocked a short hairstyle before this storm, we just have to sit back and ride it out, because for us it is a part of who we are, and not a current trend.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Oh no!! We have the same dress on!!

I went to an event last Saturday, and the attire requirements were sneakers, and anything that looks good with them.  Because I consider myself a pretty stylish person, I decided to wear an HnM dress with my sneakers for the occasion.  I knew that because I bought the dress from HnM, the likelyhood of me running into someone with the same dress was high, I added a tank top underneath my dress, and wore a belt around the waist.  Not to my surprise, about halfway through attending the event, I saw another girl with the same dress! 

 I quickly took my tank top that I was wearing under my dress, and put it over my dress, and then I put my belt back on around my waist.  The main reason for me doing this "costume change" right on the spot, was the girl who had on the same dress, and her friends were starting to make an issue of the mishap.  Instead of feeding them with a visual, I decided to switch it up, forcing them to make something else the focus of their attention.  The thing that saddens me about the whole ordeal is that it is something so trivial.  

As black women we allow our insecurities to get the best of us all the time, and especially when we are in a group out in public.  Our first inclination is to always "talk about" the other women that are around us.  Often it is always in a negative manner.  With the dress incident, I think that the other girl, "my twin", should have considered the fact that she purchased her dress from a mass retailer, which means that "her" dress was mass produced, which means that the likelyhood of her seeing someone else with the dress on is always going to be high. 

 Further more, instead of us doing what we always do, which is to be catty and negative, we should just let things that are not important go.  Besides checking myself, and making sure that I don't do the catty negative thing when I am out in public, I am also going to learn how to sew this summer! One of a kind dresses=no drama!lol

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dashiki's, Kufi's, and Nike Boots?

Sooooooooo, I have been noticing a resurgence of a trend that hasn't popped up  since the 1960's and 70's during the Black Power Movement.  What is so shocking is that the trend has been picked up by young black men in the DC area, not the "consciencous" ones, but the nike boot, skinny jeans, "new born baby" cap wearing ones.  The current article of clothing that has resurfaced in that crowd is, THE DASHIKI!!!  What is crazy and sad, is that the guys that are rocking the dashiki's probably have no clue about where the tops come from, and the significance that they have had on black culture.  I'm gonna provide a little bit of info, and for those of us who can educate guys on the streets wearing the dashiki, lets do it!  If we know better, we have to do better.  In this case it might be talkin to a "young" about what his shirt stands for.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Michael Jackson @Fashion Week this fall?

So, if you are a music lover, you are probably still mourning Michael Jackson's death.  That aside, we have to know that he will always be here in spirit and in fashion.  Since his death, the resurgence of his music has been unbelievable!  I think that there already has been and will be fashion that is inspired by him as well.  In the August volume of InStyle magazine, there were military jackets featured in DKNY and Versace ads, as well as a red, black, and white color palette.  There are also sequins everywhere for fall from sequined tanks to dresses to, of course, gloves!  The huge aviator sunglasses that Michael used to always wear have been, and still are all the rage for this season and many more to come. Vogue magazine did an excellent write up on Jackson's style and reported that many designers were already collaborating with him for his upcoming return to the music scene. It was rumored that he would be outfitted in thousands of Swarovski crystals for his London tour, and had been photographed in decked out band-leader inspired jackets for Balmain.   Lets make Michael proud and dig up our red leather motorcycle jackets, roll up our "boyfriend" jeans, get us some loafers, aviator sunglasses, and beat it!